Late for church in New Zealand's Cook Islands, a young girl peers anxiously inside. 去教堂迟到在新西兰的库克群岛,一个年轻的女孩平辈不安地在里面。
Bull kelp clings to the coastline of New Zealand's The Snares islands, hiding sea lions that prey on Snares crested penguins. 巨藻紧附在新西兰斯奈尔斯群岛的海岸边,在其中藏匿着捕食斯奈尔斯竖冠企鹅的海狮。
It appears in the Atlantic Ocean, on the coasts of Brazil and Madagascar, on the coast of Africa, of the East Indies, mainland China, Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand and the Molucca islands. 它出现在大西洋上的巴西和马达加斯加海岸,非洲东海岸的印度,大陆中国,日本,印度,澳大利亚,新西兰和摩鹿加群岛。
New Zealand consists of two islands, the North and the South, and nine distinct growing regions. 她由南岛和北岛两个年夜岛组成,年夜天色上可以划分为九父髦植区。
Australia, New Zealand, and neighboring islands in the S Pacific. Use the stairwell nearest your exit. 澳大利亚,新西兰及附近南太平洋诸岛。使用离诸位出口处最近的楼梯间。
New Zealand has traditionally been very gracious and helpful to refugees affected by climate change, rescuing South Sea islanders when their islands were disappearing under the waves. 新西兰传统上一直都很亲切并帮助受到气候变化影响的难民,拯救南太平洋的那些下沉了的小岛的岛民。
New Zealand is made up of two main islands, the north and south islands whose landscape is notable for its variety and particularly its mountainous nature. 新西兰分成南北两个大岛,地形以其多样性和特殊的多山自然风光而著称。